This whole idea of living in the moment seems to be much more complex then advertised by your usual free spirited hippy or drunkard. The vague concept is usually a staple expressed by the likes of an individual who follows the “Dead” while out on tour. It’s also used as a hefty defense for those promiscuous characters when speaking on their exploits. Either I’m an idiot, or most of the individuals mentioned above are full of shit. I’ll walk the middle ground and just say it is probably a bit of both. Truly living in the moment is one of the most grueling and disciplined meditations I have ever experimented with.
This idea is constantly advocated when talking about moments of what could only be the sheer preciousness of jubilation. Well who the hell wouldn’t want to get lost in a moment of exuberance?! It’s the mundane and/or out right disappointing moments you don’t want to hold onto. Pure rubbish. As Hunter would say, “Anything worth doing…is worth doing right.” In my mind, this loosely translates into…why do something if you’re gonna half-ass the damn thing. Any softheaded simpleton can and is willing to submit to a blissful moment. That doesn’t take much effort. What else do you expect from a nation that prides itself on an over abundance of instant gratification.
I have found the meditation of experiencing the NOW to be just as difficult and time consuming as good posture & correct breathing (For those of you that laughed out loud at that statement, I challenge you to do either one for 15 min). It doesn’t seem hard, but it isn’t a skill or trade that is forced upon us to learn. Besides, it is seemingly to under-stimulating and mundane for a lazy population to give much credence. I have found this certain point of view to be folly, and one that has put a self imposed limitation on an individual’s potential.
I’ve never read Eckhart Tolle, and I do understand the fundamental properties of the philosophy that is “The Law of Attraction”. So what I am talking about isn’t anything new. How true the words ring, “There is a difference in knowing the path and walking the path.” It’s funny what makes an impression on you in this world isn’t it? I’ve known of this meditation for sometime, but I have been distracted by worldly and living static to focus. That and being conditioned for spiritual laziness, is it any wonder that most of us live in the fog? I am no expert or guru, but I am learning, and at my own pace.
Recently I work at being more mindful of the moment. I attempt to pay attention to my thoughts and where they are taking me. Thoughts are like a fire, and the time given to each thought is like adding more fuel to be burned, which only perpetuates the fires life span. I try to focus my attention to the simple truth that there is only this moment and it should be honored. Yesterday has already been passed by and tomorrow hasn’t occurred. All you ever have is right now. No matter what you are doing: Reading this blog, sweeping the floor, crying from heartache, or laughing with friends. There is only this moment, and to allow your mind to wonder to other realms, long since passed or a future trajectory, is to miss what is happening in the NOW.
This is a practice that I fail, succeed, and ultimately learn from every day since I have started; which hasn’t been that long ago. My goal is obviously to keep this concept in mind. That’s the practice. PAY ATTENTION! The trick is not to make it a hassle or get down on yourself when you lose focus. Have as much patience & compassion for yourself as you should have for others. There is plenty of static in the world. We are constantly assaulted by what seems to be a strategized campaign of forceful noise. Why add to it by allowing that inner critic to editorialize it’s cynicism.
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