
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bliss is Following your Calling

"Follow your bliss."
         -Joseph Campbell

A wise woman told me, that the road I have chosen is one of solitude, and at times lonely.  Being alone in the depth of solitude is at most times inevitable.  Solitude is much different from loneliness, and when it strikes, it lays a pressure that is greater than the deepest fathomable abyss.  Still, Loneliness is just another of the multitude of perspectives.  There is a fantastic opportunity in self-reflection and worldly observation.

I ask myself why I may feel such a way.  Why would I feel those moments of loneliness?  The truth is, I'm not alone.  Being separated from the normalcy of the exterior confusion can be unsettling; the raw silence where we are left with the burden of our thoughts.  I am becoming comfortable in my skin while alone, comfortable in the eerie defining silence where I have the chance to journey within.  The greatest voyage any individual can embark upon is through the infinite and vast realm of self.  It is a journey that is juxtaposed with great light and an unfathomable & terrifying darkness.  This is the hardest thing anyone can do, but it is a just struggle to engage in.

This tour isn't the first time I have given myself this opportunity.   Pretty sure this won't be my last.  What this solitude has allowed me to do is to gleam what I am and what I want.  We are all colorful characters within a magnificent story.  Like every story the hero must go on a quest.  Some quests are internal...some external.  The great ones are filled with both.  Every single one of us is a great hero on an ever-evolving quest: a quest that enables us to undergo an extraordinary transformation of self.

             From cradle to grave we walk a road that is filled with pitfalls, trials, & challenges.  As much as we profess how we despise these moments in our lives, they are invaluable.  We must not become stagnant or impotent with anxiety or fear of those moments of hardship and struggle.  Instead, we must have faith in the quest itself.  Each of us has a calling, and when we honor that calling life has a way of sending us aid.  The greatest culprit in our lives seems to be the idea of having a strict plan.  It builds an almost impenetrable wall that keeps out adaptability and necessity.   Once one is lucky enough to find their calling, all he/she needs is formidable intention.  Without desire of status or material, an intention should lead you on the unknowable path.

            Armed with an intention that is fueled by an open heart, we will find those other characters that will lend us aid when we least expect it.  Some of these individuals will be reoccurring through out your narrative, others will come and go like the passing wind.  With faith and a firm lack of judgment, these people will guide you along your travels.  Some will bestow upon you pearls of wisdom, while others will give you nourishment and tools essential for you to carry on.  Like those you encounter, the journey will be unpredictable and blessed with wisdom gifted in every new piece of experience.  Do not allow fear, apathy, or laziness to supersede the unlimited possibilities that await you.  The time has come for you to take ownership of your journey.  The time has come for your arrival.

1 comment:

  1. Thomas,

    I felt such a great release when meeting you yesterday (8/7/2012, at Nuci’s Space), and it was for those few minutes of a day, that I did not feel so lonely. I forgot what a connection it is to be, however so heartbreakingly so, in this community, and for a brief time not be able to say anything wrong, or uncomfortable. The greatest aspect of losing my mom was the overwhelming feelings of loneliness, at losing the person who loved me the most, and thus loved every aspect of my being and still loved without judgment or shame, just me.

    I admire what you and Zack are doing and the voice that you are giving for those of us that have not been heard, or who still only produce a whisper. You are stopping your lives so that you can educate, share, capture, and advocate for a population so stigmatized and broken, that I wonder how you can stand; let alone, walk, talk, film, and ride (I don’t even know how to ride a bike).

    This entry reminded me that my mom used to say that the greatest thing you could be was the hero in your own dreams. I have not been able to start that transformational self quest, so I am, just going to follow yours, as many of us who have been fortunate enough to have met you guys on your journey are able to do. Maybe along your way, each of us watching will be nourished to begin our journeys too. Until, I carry you in my heart and thank you more than you’d know.

    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
    higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

    i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
    - e. e. cummings ~
