
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Thousand words!

Original Photo by Zak Chipps / Photo Manipulation  by Thomas Brown 

Since I was a young child I have always wanted to be a storyteller.  I have always been fascinated with the lessons that each story presents.  For many years I believed the only way to do this was through motion photography.  As the idea has evolved, I have drifted more and more toward still photography.  I have struggled with which medium I should chose to master.  That sentiment seems irrelevant now.  Why not do both?  For the past year I have felt that I lost my Artistic Mojo, but it seems that I am finding my groove again.  Like every other aspect of life, self expression has its ebb and flow.

Original Photo & Manipulation by Thomas Brown

With the R.I.S.E. bike tour on the horizon, I am beginning to come back out of the darkness of artistic block.  I am rediscovering the beauty of the captured moment in still photography.  The transition back into the light of infinite possibility has been made easier with the Iphone as my paintbrush.  The potential for healing through out is a profound endeavor, and I encourage all to take the voyage of self discovery on winds of the artist that resides in each and everyone of us.  Dare to be fearless and create your world.


Original Photo & Manipulation by Thomas Brown

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I met you the other day at Boulders and donated to your cause. I dig your art...and your page. Good luck with your ride! I couldn't find you on FB to link you to my page with some of my videos, so I hope you don't mind the link here. Peace be the journey, God bless and Love it forward...
